"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Freedom of Choice

     Has it ever bothered you that you didn't have a choice? Have you ever not liked the choices laid out before you? I'm sure you have, just as I have, just as we all have. Life presents us with choice that we frequently would rather exchange for others but that we have no real control over. We believe that Humans have free will but we often stumble along the road and crash headlong into situations where we really have no choice at all. Personally, I take this as evidence that the question of free will is actually quite more complicated or at least different than we have come to believe.

     The question is an old one: does man have free will? This is an important philosophical question. From our perspective, if man lacks free will than his choices are not really his own and thus the blame of any negative consequences resulting from those actions should not be placed upon man. Essentially we want to reserve the right of free will for everyone but we desperately want to be free of the implications, at least the negative ones. This is why determinism is so tempting. If we can ferret out a way for man to be essentially programmed than none of his actions can be blamed up on the man himself, only on his nature.

     From what I see man, in point of fact, does not have free will. Many secular scientists would agree with me on that but not for the same reasons. It is becoming a popular belief that since man is nothing more than a “meat machine” by humanist standards, since there is no supernatural, since there is only what we can see-hear-taste and touch, then there is no other option than for man to be nothing more than an elaborately programmed robot of flesh. Evolution leaves no room for the transcendent and so man must be firmly rooted in random chance and chemical reactions, there is no room for sentience. Biblicaly speaking though, there is transcendence, there is the supernatural, there is more than what we see. As far as I can see man does not have free will -however- he does have free choice.

     These two concepts are similar to be sure but there is start difference. To have free will is to have the power of decision over both action and result, cause and consequence. To have free choice is to be free, without push or pressure, to choose from a set of available options. In the garden God did not set Adam and Eve down on the grass to roam free and wild. In the perfection that was initial creation God gave perfect people rules. Now why would He give rules and laws to perfect people? Really that is a complex question that would take a long time to answer but for the purpose of this post it was in part to facilitate man's need for free choice. In that time God gave man one simple choice, obey or disobey. Don't eat the fruit! That was man's first and only necessary and conscious choice that had any significance. That choice is what ultimately doomed us all.

     You see Adam and Eve new the rules, they new what God said but they had the power to choose against that prescription. Because of that choice they came to know evil and their innocence was lost. God had no choice but to punish them because it is in His nature to oppose sin. We see here the plain difference between free will and free choice. They were free to choose to disobey but they had no say in the consequences that would follow.

     We find ourselves in a similar situation now. All of creation, all of our reality comes down ultimately to one simple choice: obey or disobey, repent or be punished. God has given us a way out of sin in the sacrifice of His Son. We must choose now to follow God or remain in rebellion. The choice is ours but we must then deal with result. We have freedom to choose but it is God's will that matters in the end.

"Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, "because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

(Acts 17:30-31)

Friday, March 27, 2015

More than Obedient

I want to be more than obedient, God
I want to do more than get by
I want to desire to honor You Lord
I want not to walk but to fly.

It isn't enough to just serve You
It isn't enough to repent
It isn't enough to just do what I'm told
I need to do more than relent.

Though it's faith that I need more than anything
Though it isn't my works that redeem
Though eternity's not mine to earn from You
A desire to serve should seen.

I want to be more than obedient
I want to love You more and more
I want to give all that I have to You
That's what I was created for.

by. Me

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Attempts at _ _ _ _ _ _ ianity

     You may have recently heard about the American pastor who no longer beliefs in God. From what I've read the man states that the ideas of God and creation and the infallibility of scripture are legends that have long since been if not disproved then found to be illegitimate. He claims that you need not believe in God and doesn't like it when people say he is not a Christian. I have to ask though, if he doesn't believe in God, the Bible, Jesus as we know him, miracles, creation, Heaven, Hell, or the need for salvation...what does he believe in? You cannot take away everything that is Christianity and still claim to be a Christian.

This is the uniqueness of the Christian message: You can take any philosophical system and any religious system, you can remove the founder from the system, the system will remain. So if you remove Buddha from Buddhism, if you were to say to a Buddhist: “Did it have to be the Buddha who gave us this system, theoretically Could it have been anyone?” They'll be very insistent that it was the Buddha but yes, theoretically anyone could have given us Buddhism and if we even try to argue that Buddha never existed, it doesn't matter; the teaching of the system remains. We can do the same in Islam. Now, Muslims will be even more strongly insistent but if you push them to the theoretical point eventually they will concede. Did God have to give this revelation to Muhammad or theoretically could it have been anyone? They'll be absolutely insistent, it was Muhammad but could God have chosen anyone? Absolutely....You can remove the founder from the system, the system remains but you cannot remove Christ from Christian. If you remove Christ from Christian you are left with the letters I-A-N and Ian cannot help you!”
-Michael Ramsden

     This is not the first time nor the last that people will try and insist that belief is not necessary, that you can still be a Christian without dedication to what it means to be one. Jesus gave us no room to slide past His claims. He claimed to be God in flesh which means He was either a liar, insane, or God. We cannot simply cling to His teaching as His teaching are tied inexorably to His claims. He quoted the old testament and upheld its accuracy and authority so we cannot put aside scripture. He held up creation as how we came to be so we cannot discount it at poetry. We cannot believe in that which we don't believe in, that is the exclusive domain of the lunatic and the fool.

     We live in a world marked by a distinct lack of scholarship. Nearly anyone you find who believes in evolution as the means of our existence will have very little if any actual knowledge of how the system is supposed to work and those who do will most likely not have worked out its implications. We have become so literal a people that we simply “believe” things with no bases, we trust what we're are told is true like we trust the auto-maker when he says our car will carry us safely along the way. Modern man has the same faith in God (or “not-god”) that he has in his computer; he really has no idea how it works but as long is it does what he needs it to he does not care. Sadly this behavior which is beyond foolish and obviously dangerous has bled into the church. Many of us no longer care to learn the truths of God and to really understand what we believe. This results in pastors and people like that man, who find themselves a system that works for them, rejecting a God that they don't really know in the first place.

     Christianity is all about Jesus, there is nothing apart from Him. If we divorce ourselves from this central truth than we will find ourselves with no solid ground beneath our feet. This foundation cannot be destroyed if our castles are to stand. I pray for those who have turned away from the God they never looked at, who believe in essentially nothing. I pray for them and I thank God for the firm foundation upon which I stand. He has revealed Himself to us but we will never know how the story goes if we never read the book. Belief is essential, but what we believe in matters all the more.

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.”
(John 15:4-6)

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Letter to Myself in the Moment

Dear Me,

     I know that I'm not necessarily “with” you right now. I know that you may not be thinking clearly and I understand that what I'm telling you may not be obvious to you at the moment. I know that whether you are home alone or going about your day, that you are doing something seemingly normal and yet you are fighting. You are fighting an enemy that knows your every weakness, knows your deepest fears, an enemy that never tires, never loses focus, never doubts, an enemy that hates you more than you can comprehend and wants desperately for you to fail. Worse still you are also fighting yourself.

     I know that your judgment isn't currently at it's best and though you want to win this fight you grow more and more tired with every blow exchanged. I know that there is a voice trying to convince you that what you know to be wrong is anything but, or that it will be okay this one time. The voice tells you that you are weak, it reminds you of every time you have failed and every battle lost. It asks you why you should bother fighting. I know that in the midst of the battle it can all seem so impossible. The lure of the enemy seems so right and their voice so loud that you can barely hear me, can barely hear God. I know that your flesh is a traitor. Your own urges and desires are a turncoat working with your foe to pull you down. I know the outlook is bleak.

     I know all these things but I also know something that you may find difficult to remember as you struggle to lift your sword: the war is over. Th enemy screams and yells to distract you, to keep you from seeing that he has no sword and no shield; his fangs are long since broken and his oily tongue says nothing but lies.

     I implore you, me, for both our sakes, remember who has bought you! Remember that your chains are broken and your slave debt paid. Remember that Jesus has paid for your freedom in blood and that you never need to listen to your old masters again. Remember that the old man may writhe and struggle within you but he is already dead! Remember that you need not, indeed dare not, rely on your own strength. Remember that the spirit of God is there within you with all the power you need and more to win the day. Don't waste time fumbling with useless weapons or futilely raising your wooden shield, turn to your heavenly Father and scream for the help that only He can give! In Him and His strength will you find the victory, in Him alone is the battle won.

     Remember this please, for if you forget it during the fray you -will- fall and when next we meet it will not be in gratitude and praise to God but with with the knowledge that you had no reason for defeat and every assurance of victory. You know that I will remind you of these things. You are not alone. Though you may not hear me when the battle joins, remember these words, and live.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Not Today but Tomorrow

     Are we afraid to be different? How many times have you kept your mouth shut when you should have preached because you were concerned about the reaction your words may cause? How many times have we all fretted over the possible loss of friendships or a suddenly uncomfortable work environment? Many of us are frozen over concern for our public image and unable to act as we should.

     It's understandable really. Humans are social creatures and we attach a great deal of significance to our relationships. Any effect we have on those connections can have serious repercussions in our daily lives. So yeah, the concern makes sense but it still doesn't matter. Once again it really all comes down to selfishness. Remember that the friend you don't want to offend is a lost soul headed to hell. That co-worker who might not like you anymore is God-hating wretch just like you used to be. If we really care about these people at all we need to tell them about Jesus! If we're keeping to ourselves the very thing they need because WE don't want to be uncomfortable...what does that say about us?

     One of the major components of our faith is self sacrifice. Ours is not a life spent on gathering inward but one of giving outward. We need to be selfless not selfish and that means letting go of our public image and social comfort. Think back to the apostles and early church fathers, they were beaten and imprisoned, accused and insulted, dragged around cities and stoned, all for the sake of the message of Christ. They didn't care about their reputation or how many friends they had, all they cared about was getting the Gospel into the ears and minds and hearts of as many people as possible. They gladly endured trials and rejoiced that they were considered worthy enough to suffer even a fraction of what Jesus went through.

     Remember that we don't live this life seeking for the rewards we can enjoy now, we are working towards eternity. Yes, things may be hard now, they may get difficult, they may hurt, they may be scary, or uncomfortable, but no matter how dark things may get for you the promise of Heaven is brighter by far! That is the hope that we look to, that is the promise that drives us. To be with God for eternity in a place that never spoils or fades and where suffering is a thing long forgotten. Don't be afraid of an uncomfortable today when tomorrow is guaranteed to be amazing.

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
(Romans 8:18)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gospel Truth

**Announcing my new YouTube Channel!**
*It's still very new and not on a set schedule yet but please take a look!**

     How 'good' are you? Most people will respond by stating that they find themselves to be pretty alright. It's natural to like yourself after all, and most of us like to think that we're at least mostly okay. When you think about it, can our goodness be measured anyway? Isn't everything just cultural and societal distinctions developed over many years? Aren't we all just products of our environments with our own particular moralities? That is the commonly held belief, that there is no absolute good or bad and it is essential to modern man's mental health. Without this notion that we are free to define our own morality, we would be forced to face the truth that lies in the shadow of our philosophy: we are anything but good.

     In order for anything to be truly good or evil they have to objectively good or evil. This means that they have to be good or evil regardless of anyone's belief; the good is good even if everyone on earth thought that good was bad and vice verse. Now, modern societies usually claim that there are no absolutes and that everything is perspective. The problem with this is of course its patent absurdity. There are certain truths that just are: a normal human can't stop a bus without harm or jump off a tall building and survive, humans need air to breathe, and light makes things brighter. Even beyond that there is the fundamental reality that every normal person recognizes the evil of certain things. You'll find very few people that think it's okay to kill a child or to rape someone. Some may even try and claim that don't believe these things to be objectively wrong but they can't explain away their visceral gut reaction.

     The Bible tells us that God made the rules for reality and these rules were not made out of nothing but that they extend from the very attributes of God. Killing is wrong because only God has authority over life and death and He has declared the worth of man - creating him in His own image; rape is wrong for similar reasons and because it perverts the gift that is the sexual relationship between husband and wife, to lie is evil because God is truth, and so on. Because God is over and above all of creation, His rules are beyond any of us and we are all beholden to them. They are objective. So take a look at yourself in light of this information.

Do you think yourself good?
Have you ever lied, even once? - Well that makes you a liar.
Have you ever lusted after another? - That makes you an adulterer in your heart according to Jesus.
Have you ever stolen anything? - That means your a thief.
Do we need to go on?

     God is utterly perfect and the only way to be worthy of eternity and heaven is to be perfect as well. It takes only a moments perfunctory glance at ourselves to see how unworthy we are. A single stain on a white cloth is all it takes to ruin it. One lie, one moment of lust, one stolen candy bar, and that's it. What is worse is that we are not only condemned by ourselves but by our nature. When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden he became tainted by that evil. Since that time that taint has been passed down the line of humanity into all of us. We're evil from birth and our actions play that out.

     God however, had a plan. He knew this would all happen, knew that we would need salvation. God is just though and could never simply pardon evil, it has to be dealt with. In His love He planned for a way He could deal with our sin and evil justly and yet save souls from an eternity of damnation. We needed a sacrifice, someone who could die in our place and who could bear the weight of our sin on our behalf. The main problem though is that no one would be worthy. Every human carries their own sin and thus their death would never be sufficient would never even be enough to pay for their own sins let alone a billion others. So God sent His Son.

     Jesus came down to earth and took on a human nature. God became man so that man would have the sacrifice we needed to be saved. Being God He lacked the sin nature we all carry and He lived a perfect life without sin so that His sacrifice would be sufficient for the cost. When He died on the cross God the Father poured out His wrath against sin, all of His anger against evil, onto Jesus. Three days later Jesus rose from the grave and won victory over death and sin and evil. He died for us so that He could lay His death, the death of an infinity valuable person, onto the accounts of all who believe in Him. God could now give us the righteousness of Christ in exchange for our sin and pardon us from our just due without violating his justice.

     That's what it took to save us. A good man/a perfect God had to die. He left heaven and the presence of God the Father to live on this dusty sinful ball and to die a cruel horrible death, for you. For you and for me and for everyone who will but call upon His name. The reality of our sin is laid our before us, you know your own faults. Take that knowledge and go to God, admit what you know and ask for His forgiveness. Because of Jesus God can forgive your sins and give you a new heart that loves what is good and yearns for righteousness. You can be free from the shadows and the lies of this world, free to a future without sadness or sorrow or death. What will you do?

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”
(John 3:16-17)

For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."

(Romans 10:12-13)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Marriage, at the Front and Back of the Book Part 2

*See part one HERE*

     Marriage is about a bond. A self-strengthening and mutually self sacrificial system that leads to the ultimate betterment of both parties. Here we see the major flaw in most people's thinking about marriage: the point of your marriage is not that your spouse will fulfill all your desires or “needs.” We shouldn't even really be thinking of ourselves; the majority if not all of our thought should be on making the life of our spouse and our spouse themselves better. One of the biggest things a Christian will face when trying to live out a godly marriage is that we oppress women by saying they have to submit to their husbands. People never seem to read the part right after that, where men are called to love their lives like Christ.

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”
(Ephesians 5:22-27)

     Yes women are called to submit to a fallible human man, but we men are called to live like Jesus! Which do you think is harder? Which do you think is more likely? Christ loves His church to the point where He left the glory of heaven and allowed himself to be brutally tortured and murdered, just to save us. Just to make a way for people who hate Him to live. And I get it, I do, you hate the idea of obeying. You hate that men have the “top spot.” Remember though, that having a position of leadership in the Bible does not make that person better than those who are lead. A wife who obeys her husband will give her husband less cause to fly off and try and control her through force and a husband who truly loves his wife will not seek to have dominion over her. I have the final say in my home but what that really means is that whether we find success or failure the buck stops with me. That is the weight of responsibility.

     These are all arguments that can be made and explanations that can be repeated and rejected as the case may be but really there is only one true reason for the attack on marriage. The real reason for the attack is because of the real meaning for marriage. Marriage is more than just two people chasing after happiness. It is more than a couple fulfilled by their union. It is more than two individuals drawing strength from each other to make it through tomorrow. Marriage -is- all these things but ultimately it is a picture. Marriage is a picture of God and His church. The family is a metaphor for eternity. Look again at the passage from Genesis 2. We see the man leave his family and join to his wife, the two forming “one flesh.” Flip to the other side of the Bible and we see Jesus leaving His Father in heaven and that the church is the joined into the body of Christ with Jesus as it's head. One flesh. The roles laid out for men and women are not their to set us against each other or to set one up against the other or higher than the other. We are here to show the world what God has done for His people.

     Marriage will always be under attack because it is a picture of God and man. In this one thing, this one amazing thing, God has set up a continually running example of His love for us. That image cannot be allowed to survive in a world that hates and rejects Him. That image has to die if this world wants to forget Him and ignore Him. Sure, there are cultural trappings and society has done great damage to the simple beauty of marriage. Sure we have made a hash of it in general and the record is not good. But these things are superficial, nothing more than dirt on the surface that can be easily looked past and cleaned away. You wouldn't throw away a diamond because of the stone that encases it would you? Just the same marriage is a scuffed gem that any one of us can clean and polish, leaving something of great and enduring value.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Marriage, at the Front and Back of the Book Part 1

*Sorry for the missed updates, today's post ended up being pretty long so I had to split it up over the weekend.  Come back on Monday for part 2!*

     Marriage is taking a lot of hits lately. Books and movies, magazines and television, blog posts and radio programs alike all seem to tearing down a once honored institution. Listen to the crowd and you'll hear how nearly every piece of this thing so many of us love is some hold over from a lesser time. I've heard it said that the wedding is nothing more than elaborate transfer of property, that the ring on her finger is a glittering brand that marks her as owned, that people can't honestly expect us to keep some silly vows, and a hundred other depressing critiques. The problem is hardly one sided but I see a common theme in that people look only at the cultural add-ons, the societal trappings that surround marriage. I don't know if anyone really talks about marriage itself anymore.

     People see marriages failing all around, they read the statistics they study marriages in cultures around the world. Its easy to see why so many fail to see the point in trying. The problem is that the statistics mean nothing and the numbers are just a blindfold so you don't have to look at your own short comings. Marriages only fail because those involved allowed them to do so. I've heard someone say that they can't honestly expect that they or their partner will fulfill each others needs in sixty years. I would ask why not? The point of the promise, it's power, comes not from the making of it but from the keeping of it. When I made my vows to my wife they were more than a hope, more than a dream, more than a maybe, I -vowed- to love, honor, and cherish as long as we both shall live. I'm not perfect. I'll screw up and fail a lot along the way but I will never give up and I will never let go. That is the point of a promise, it keeps even you in check.

And the LORD God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.'.....Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: 'This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.' Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”
(Genesis 2:18, 22-25)

     Before cultures existed and before a society was formed we had the first marriage. Man was created first and women mad from and for him. Not as plaything to enjoy, not as property to be coveted, and not as a servant to ordered about but as a companion. Adam wasn't presented with Eve because he needed something to make his life better, God gave them to each other because it was evident that it was not enough for man to exist alone! This truth is seen in the shadows of what we do today. Some say that when a father gives his daughter away that it is transfer of property. I say that it is a reflection of that first marriage, when God the Father gave His first daughter to her husband. In that moment God was giving Adam the responsibility of caring for His daughter, for His first ever little girl. It is not a transfer of property but of responsibility. And those rings that people complain about? Those pretty cattle brands as I've heard them called? Don't forget they exist on both hands! I am marked by mine as she is marked by hers and yes it is a sign of ownership and of belonging to another because we belong to each other and no one else.

Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.”
(1 Corinthians 7:3-4)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Strength for the Day

     I don't know about you but I'm caught between the idea that I should be using my time for something constructive and the unavoidable truth that I'm not using my time for anything particularly useful. I don't have a fantastic job, heck I don't even have a single full time job, so there's enormous pressure to change that. Then beyond the pure pragmatism of simply getting a “better” job there's the haunting shadow of the ideal. The ghost of that dream that may never exist in your future that still manages to haunt you here in the present. Mix all this together with the modern idea of “success,” a good dose of classic male ego, and all the struggles that go along with the life of a Christian man and it can be pretty crushing and just flat out exhausting.

     I struggle with this. I struggle with this a lot. I mean -a lot- a lot. Sometimes it feels like if I'm not spending every free moment I have to make myself better for my family, or to do something for God's Kingdom, or actually writing that book I talk about, or ...whatever, than I'm just being selfish and lazy and ultimately failing at this life. I can't tell you how tired I am sometimes...

     These times, when I'm just so tired; these times when I don't want to go to work tomorrow because I feel like running away from it all and be free; these times are when I remember that my strength may not be sufficient but God's is. It is in these times that I am reminded that when He says that He strengthens us He doesn't just mean for the big task at hand. God gives us the strength to take that first breath in the morning, to get out of bed, to keep going one step at a time. It is in these times that I remember that I desperately need Him if I'm going to even try to live today.

     This man, this flesh and blood that the world sees is so very far past useless. I wonder how many of us realize this? I wonder if I really understand it. As Paul Washer likes to say, “There are no great men of God. There are only small, weak, sinful men of a Great and Holy God.” Time and time again I am confronted with the reality that I just...can't. Can't what? Anything, everything, I just can't. But I do. I get up every day for His compassion is renewed every morning. I don't need persecution or turmoil to break me, life is enough. I don't need tragedy to show me my need for God when I have the mirror staring at me every day!

     A piece of treated canvas can keep you dry, can keep you warm, can provide a place of safety in the storm. That canvas can do a lot but without a few tent-poles to hold it up and keep it in shape you'll find it is far less useful. I don't know if I have answers to my own inner problems, only that I need to pray. I need to read the Word, I need to seek God in the small things as well as in the big things. We were never promised that this life would be easy or that we would understand it. It's not, but I live for the day when it is. Someday the veil that separates us will be more than torn it will be cast aside and God will walk with men again! In that day all of my small struggles and all the tears of my brothers and sisters who have faced so much more will be gone! There will be peace, finally, peace.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”

(Revelation 22:21)

Friday, March 6, 2015

The War Around Us

     Nothing is easy or so they say. Life is a struggle and everything worth having means work. The Christian life is no different, though we would prefer it so. Our sin nature nags us continually, just waiting for our guard to drop. The world around us tempts and pulls us in a million different directions; each one promising to be better or more exciting than the path that God has set us on. Evil men and women lie and deceive to lure us away and Satan and his minions throw innumerable obstacles in our way. The odds seem horribly stacked against us.

     We often forget, in our cozy western civilization world, that the life of a Christian is the life of a soldier. We are at war! If you are a member of the body of Christ you are a soldier, period. You may be an unprepared soldier, a good soldier, a lazy soldier, or a flat-out bad soldier, but you are a soldier nonetheless! Do not let yourself think that life will be easy or comfortable at all times. Like any war there will be lulls, there will be times when the battle lessens in its ferocity but rest assured the fighting will begin again! We cannot allow comfort or ease to trick us into lowering our shields.

"When I have brought them to the land flowing with milk and honey, of which I swore to their fathers, and they have eaten and filled themselves and grown fat, then they will turn to other gods and serve them; and they will provoke Me and break My covenant.”
(Deuteronomy 31:20)

     Look to the Old Testament, to ancient Israel. It was when they grew comfy in the promised land that they ran into problems. Not when they were surrounded by enemies, not when they were new to the fulfillment of God's promises, not when they had miles to march and cities to take, but when they were home with a stomach full of food and a place to sleep at night. Israel, like ourselves, tended to only remember their need for God when it was physically obvious. We must be aware that the war never stops and though things be easier for the moment, we still need God for everything.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
(2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

     Luckily we do not fight alone. We have God's words in the Bible and The Spirit of God in our hearts. We have what we need to win the fight, the weapons and armor required to be victorious; we just need to take them up. God fights for His own and the victory is His. The war is already finished, we just have to make it through all the battles and get to the end. Again, don't get complacent and don't complain when the going gets tough. We face a defeated enemy who won't admit his loss. Swords and shields up people, this is going to be rough.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Love You Still

     We know that we need to love God. We know that He is worthy of our praise. I can't help but wonder however, if we base our love for Him too heavily on what He has done for us and not as much on who He is? It's natural to focus on that aspect of our relationship, it's easier to praise someone for the things they have done than it is to praise their attributes. Also, I think we find it more personal somehow to look to what He has done in our lives specifically. God is more than what He does and has importance greater than the providence in our lives.

     I feel a little weird talking about this because, well, because the two sides of this particular coin are admittedly close. What God does is intrinsically tied to who He is and I would say that it is impossible to completely divorce the two. I also would not say that we should not praise and thank Him for His gifts and works; I just think we should be careful not to base our praise exclusively on the fact that He does nice things for us. We may be grateful for our ability to sing but God was artistic long before our voices were heard, we may be grateful for our lives but God was living long before us and is far more alive than we ever will be, and we may be grateful for our family but God has existed in perfect relationship for eternity.

     In the Psalms we see a blending of praise for God's works and for His holy name. David penned songs that thanked God for the many things He had done in his life and for the wonder and majesty of who God is. This combination of perspectives is important. If we focus solely on either one we will end up with a skewed view of God and our relationship with Him. Solely thanking God for what He does for us can lead to a Santa Clause view of God and leave us expecting more and more gifts and make us upset when things don't go the way we want. If we only praise Him for His attributes we may come to think of Him as disconnected and too far away from us to really matter. A proper blending of both reminds us that He is great and mighty and we are small and dependent but also keeps us aware of His work in our lives and His love for us.

This feeble faith of mine, wants nothing more than this;
to love You, apart from what You give. So take from me
the things You give if purposed in Your will, and I will love you still.”

-”Love You Still," The Tree
©2008 Julianna Zobrist