"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, December 22, 2014


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all enjoy your time this year, I'll be taking a short vacation and returning after the new year on January 5th! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next year!

     Where are you this Christmas? More to the point, where is your heart? Are you caught up in the celebrations? Do the silver bells chime in your mind as you drive to the store to get those last few gifts? Do carols ring as you trim your tree? In all your rush and busy, do take the time to remember why we do all of this? Debates over the origins of the day itself, this holiday is here to commemorate the second biggest event in earth's history; when God himself stooped to our level and came to us.

     Think about that for a moment. The God of all existence, who is far beyond anything we can truly comprehend, who is rightful ruler and master of all creation, who had sat in glory from eternity past, who is endlessly praised by uncounted angels, became a baby boy. He who had sat on the throne of heaven now lay nestled in a simple manger. He who was needed no other now depended on a peasant girl and a carpenter. The God who provides breath and life to every living creature now would need bread from the hand of man. He left all that He had and became one of us: a small, cold, helpless infant. Why?

     Why would He put aside all that He had, all that He deserved, and come here as He did? Because He chose to, because we needed Him to. God is infinite, holy, and righteous. We are finite, simple, and sinful. Every day we choose our doom by rejecting God and making our own path. We are -not- morally neutral, we are naturally God haters and sinners. Can you go one day without lying? One day without stretching the truth? One day without being selfish? One day without being perfectly loving? Caring? Honest? One hour? One minute? The world wants to say that we're all ok. The world will tell you that at least you're better than that guy over there. Hey, you're no Hitler right? But you are. We are all capable of anything given the right “reason.” God was fully within His right to simply scrap us and start over (or not for that matter), but He didn't. He spared us, because He loves us.

     God however, is not only love. God is love but He is so much more! He is also just and because of His justice, He couldn't simply sweep our transgressions under the rug of eternity. Someone had to pay the price of sin and the price of sin is death. We can't pay that price, when we die that's it, end of the road. So in order to fulfill His love -and- His justice, God needed a sacrifice for our sins. Unfortunately there is nothing that exists in creation that has such worth as to be an even trade for the punishment that is our due. The only thing with any real worth after all, is God Himself. So God's son, the second part of the trinity, that divine personality that we also know as the Word of God, that One who formed the world itself, shed His robes of glory and put on humility. For us.

     Only God could pay the price that He himself demanded for our sin. Only God has the power to be born of a virgin and thus apart from the nature of sin that now condemns us. Only God has the power to live a sinless life and fulfill the law, and thus able to provide His people with the same. Only God has the worth to cover the cost of our iniquity, and only God could raise from the dead and defeat the grave. The story of Christmas is a fantastic story but it is only the first chapter. Never forget that the little baby in the stable was already on the road to the cross. Remember to celebrate not just -that- Jesus came but why! That little newborn baby was as newborn lamb and His time on this earth the period of examination that marked Him a worthy sacrifice.

     I love Christmas, but the story of Christ's coming to earth means little apart from the story of how He left and how He lived. I thank the Lord for coming here but I thank Him forever for coming here as a lamb to be slaughtered. I am thankful that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from my sin and that the snow on the ground this holiday season is nowhere near as white and pure as the new garment of righteousness that Christ has laid upon my back. Praise God for what He as done for His creation, for His love and His sacrifice. Never forget that the love we feel at Christmas is God's love, and the joy we feel is because the coming of Christ is the coming of a savior.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Love, Because, Despite

When once we walked a weary road
Through hardship and through winter cold
When once the darkest night was set
and naught a single need was met.

Though we had journeyed long and struggled far
And still no closer to the nearest star
Though we had given all, offered all we had
We still found life was lonely, sad.

Despite our lengthy list of crimes,
impotent to pay the fines.
Despite the guilt we have had since birth,
He saw in us, essential worth.

Because of who He claims to be,
The God of all whose love is free.
Because He is the Way, the One,
Made a way for sin to be undone.

This God who rules the heavenly host,
Who built the world from peak to coast.
This God who knows the deepest sea,
Has love for even you and me.

Because our sin was vast and deep,
A bitter harvest we would reap.
Because of what we all had done,
We earned the wrath of the Holy One.

Despite how we deserved to die,
He sent us One to crucify.
Despite His unknowable and infinite worth,
God's Son came down to lowly earth.

Though He was here and perfect still,
We missed the point and chose to kill.
Though we threw away the perfect man,
We acted out God's perfect plan.

When nothing seemed to be at peace,
And darkness reined from west to east.
When sin would burn the whole of earth,
God saved us through a baby's birth.

by. Jonathan E. Schaefer

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Prayer and the Power to Change

     Whether it's a physical issue, a personality quirk or a continuing sin, everyone has something they don't like about themselves. It can be hard to see a way around these issues, and even more difficult planning our route past them. Sometimes it feels like we're lost on the sea with no direction. How can we become more than what we are? How can we remove or fix something that is an inherent part of ourselves? To be honest we can't, not alone. Humans are fluid, we have the ability to make small changes in the pattern of our behavior, to build new habits and ways of living, but we lack the ability to truly change in a way that matters eternally.

     It surprises me how little we tend to equate personal change with salvation. The most significant change in our lives is that of sinner to son, from enemy of God to friend. Why so many of us (myself included sometimes) simply don't think of going to God for help with other changes is astounding. If nothing else the process of our perfection (known as progressive sanctification) is something we need God to be involved in, actually sorry that's backwards. We need to pray, asking God to make sure WE'RE involved in the process since it is His effort that changes us. We all enter the family of God at different times and in different states. The rest of our time on earth is primarily spent transforming us into the image of Christ. Some of us have longer journeys some of us shorter, some of us easier, some of us harder, but everyone is on that journey and no one is perfect until after we die or Jesus returns in His glory. If you're frustrated by sin and you're not seeking God then that's why you can't defeat it. If you are seeking God and you still feel like you're struggling then keep it up, remember that this is war and sometimes they last a long time; the enemy will not go down easily.

     Moving past sin and the real obvious things. What about things that aren't necessarily sinful but perhaps you just don't like about yourself? God is there as well. When we pray, we are speaking directly to God Himself. God who loves to give gifts to His children and desires for us to be happy (remember though that happiness comes after holiness and they are connected, but that's another post). I for example, know that I can talk to much and be loud and even come across as spastic and immature at times. I really hate that about myself on the occasions when it happens but unfortunately I don't realize how I've been until hours later. I've prayed about it before and I do feel that I'm a more measured person now (somewhat). I know that I have greater peace and I don't worry about things as much as I used to when I was younger. If you don't like your body, prayer can give you the wherewithal to stick to your diet or exercise.  Prayer can inspire you to change habits and even comfort you if you need to leave friends. The point is that God is with us as a father, not only as Lord. You don't have to worry about bothering Him with little things because He is far more aware than we are of the fact that we can't even exist without Him.

     Prayer connects us to God and strengthens our relationship. It is the binding coord that draws us closer and closer each day. How strong would your marriage be if you never spoke to your spouse? How close would your friendships be if you never shared your day? We get our strength for life from our time spent with God. We simply cannot alter our reality without help from the creator of all reality.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Another Side of Omnipresence

     Humans have complex personalities; we're a walking talking mixture of thoughts, experiences, ideals, emotions and more. We're such a mixed up jumble of stuff that we're not even sure what exactly makes up our person-hood. Even more frustrating is that our emotions and ideas seem to activate and influence us beyond any kind of conscious control. We can be happy one minute and angry the next, crying now and laughing later. Consistently fickle and always changing we are a difficult thing to understand and an even harder thing to know. Thankfully God is not like us and although we cannot hope to fully understand Him, there are things we can know about Him.

     Today's focus is on the omnipresence of God. Now that's a big fancy 'impress your friends' word that means that God is everywhere. I'm sure you've heard this before but when we say that God is everywhere we really mean everywhere! He's with you at all times, whether you want Him there or not. He see's everything and hears everything that goes on at all times and in all places both on earth and beyond. When I was a child I used to imagine a million 'Jesus's standing in every possible position in a room, which is true to the point but not really accurate of course! The really interesting part is that God exists in all locations but takes up no space (being spirit). The general idea of omnipresence is a bit of a mind-blow but today were focusing on a something a bit more specific, namely that all of God is everywhere that God is.

     You may be wondering what I meant by that last sentence. Well, let's look at it this way: a human can be only partially 'present' in a given situation if the conditions are right. If I'm sad enough, my strength or my joy may not be represented; if I'm angry enough, my love or my compassion may not be seen in my actions. If one emotion or thought is given enough heed the rest of me may be absent from my actions. A man who murders someone in a fit of rage is a good example as his mercy, restraint, and rational thought are suspended from any level of active participation in His choices at that time. Even in the best of times we tend to give certain parts of ourselves greater weight than at other times. Some of us might be more emotive than logical or vice versa in our day to day decision making

     God is different. One of the facets of His omnipresence is the fact that wherever He is (which again, is everywhere) all of Him is present. God is never so angry that He is not also loving, nor is He so loving that He is not just. God's actions are always a perfect expression of Himself and they are always the correct choice in any situation. Now we may never really understand how this works exactly but it's a simple fact that God never loses control, never loses focus, never misses any details, and is always in perfect control of Himself (not to mention everything else).

     So what does this mean? Well to me it's a great comfort to know that even if my actions make God displeased with me I know that His anger will never override His judgment or His love or His mercy. I know that His love for mankind will never override His justice or his righteousness and so those who are deserving of punishment (who do not turn to Him in repentance) will receive the due of their actions. We do not serve a God who is capricious, like the Olympian 'gods' of old, but one who is reliable and worthy of trust.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Up to Par

Just a quick note of apology, I know lately the updates have been less and less often and I'm sorry for that.  I'm trying to fit several things into a tight schedule and the holidays do not make things any easier.  That however, is no excuse.  So again I'm sorry to those few readers I have and I promise to work harder at making things run more smoothly around here.  I'll be back on Monday with a regular post and God willing things will even out and become a touch more regular and worth-while.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Be a Man

     It has occurred to many that the standard and accepted portrayal of men in our society is twofold: either as bumbling idiots, likable yes, but no one you'd want balancing your checkbook or running the house; or as selfish sex-craving misogynists who see women as objects or less. I for one have often railed as to the unfairness of these portrayals and how they do little more than foster the belief that this is all men have to offer. Worse still are those who see the undervaluing of men in our culture and simply don't bother to be more. Biblicaly speaking men are called to be more than this. We are to be leaders, teachers, guides, protectors, guards, lovers, and more. Despite this high calling for men we see very little of it in our world. I've pondered this problem for some time and although there are many reasons why things have turned out this way I'm left with only one conclusion: Men are portrayed as idiots because men -on the whole- are.

     It is not however, an entirely conscious choice. Part of the effect of the fall was to have men become lazy and women developing the desire to take their place. This wouldn't seem like a huge problem if it weren't for the fact that these desire did not replace the knowledge of our proper positions. Due to our fallen nature men don't want to lead, we'd rather take it easy. Many women would rather make all the decisions (because men are pretty dumb, right?) but still think that men “should” be commanding and in charge and confident. This creates a viscous cycle of anger and resentment that destroys many homes.

     Looking outside the home and into society we see that it is not simply a relationship issue. Men everywhere are deliberately casting aside “manhood,” choosing instead to adopt more 'modern' ideas of gender roles. Traditional “manliness” has been nearly vilified by our culture as chauvinistic and elitist, even so far to make chivalry a form of demeaning behavior! All this is a problem but the biggest issue really is that many men simply never become men at all. We live in a world where adolescence simply continues on through a boys life, he never grows up and he never moves on from childhood. How many “young men” do you know -guys in their mid to late twenties- who have never had a long term relationship, have never given a single thought to marriage, who still live at home, or who don't put any effort into creating a substantial foundation to their life? This is a systemic problem, to such an extent that we don't even see the issue. In my own life I can perceive parts of my thoughts and behaviors that I know should probably be...more that they are. Of course there are extenuating circumstances and not every case is the same but people these days seem to be terrified of really growing up and cling to youth as long as they can.

     I'm not going to give you solutions, I don't really have them. This is a thing that must start at home; husbands and fathers taking their place and doing things right. They will influence their children and so on down the line. Men were meant to be the cornerstone, the strength in society that held firm against error and stood up to the problems around them. We've lost that today and I think we're suffering for it.

Be watchful. Stand fast in the faith. Act like men. Be strong. Let all you do be done in love.”

(1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

Friday, December 5, 2014


     Death is our ultimate enemy, or so it seems. We fear death more than anything else and try our very best not to talk about or dwell on it. Ultimately we will all feel its sting and there really isn't anything we can do about it. That being said should we really be afraid of it?

     To many death is the monster in the closet, the bogey-man who is just waiting to jump out and get you. We fear death like we fear so many things, because it's unknown. We don't know the day or the hour of our death and that is in and of itself terrifying. This fear and this worry tends to grow as we grow old. The young man thinks little of his eventual demise and the child doesn't think of it at all. However, we all have a moment, an instant when we first realize, when we really 'know', that we are going to die someday. Our life which up until that moment seemed like it would simply continue on forever, will cease. Understandably, we don't like that.

     Here's the twist though, in every way and in every place God remains in control. He orders the stars and he regulates the beat of our heart, moves the clouds and moves our souls, keeps our planet spinning and our lungs breathing, everything that is only is because He makes it so. Understand me, I don't mean to say that only what God allows to happen happens, I'm telling you that God orders the happening of all things. Every single tiny detail of existence is part of God's plan. If He were to let go for even an instant, we wouldn't see the destruction of the universe, we would experience it instantly disappear from reality. Now there are a lot of extremely specific and nit-picky things to say about God and His sovereignty and how it meshes with our choices etc. but for now focus on what this means in regards to death.

     Death is a punishment yes, physically the most serious result of sin. That doesn't mean however, that it lies outside of God's control. You die, I die, everyone dies when and where and how God has ordained. Not one instant sooner. You cannot speed the process along nor slow it down nor can anything interfere. Until that day, you're unstoppable. Knowing this puts death in perspective right? What's more frightening: death, or what comes after?

"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
(Matthew 10:28)

     So don't be afraid Christian, to preach in the open air or to go to some distant land for Him. Nowhere is dangerous for you until He makes it dangerous. Know that you're death is part of the plan and it will happen at the best possible time, at the right time. We may not know why that moment was the right one, but we can trust His decisions. Ultimately, for the Christian, death is no fear anyway. We may not care to think of the moment of transition, but in that instant we will be in glory, never to fear again.

So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." "O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?" The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(1 Corinthians 15:54-57)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Strength for Trials

Sorry for the late post, been busy lately (as always really).  I found this little post I'd made somewhere a while back and decided it was worth cleaning up a bit and sharing, enjoy!

     Life is a long walk, a far journey. Sometimes the way is clear and the sun shines. Sometimes the night is coming and all we see are shadows. Sometimes we struggle to remember where our path lies as the sun steadily falls, as the shadows swallow our world. We panic, we scream, we cry, and sometimes..we die. Remember my friends, that whatever is thrown at us we have Jesus. We need nothing but Christ!" This world is fallen, but Christ! Each day seems harder than the last, but Christ! All you ever seem to do is fail, but Christ! You're lost and alone, but Christ! You're trapped and scared, but Christ! You don't know what to do, you cannot see the way, You struggle to remember hope, your heart races, your tears fall, your mind blurs, your soul screams, and there is nothing that you can see that is good and reliable and truthful and holy and just and wonderful, but Christ! 

     In that one all consuming truth we may stand when everything is falling.  We can take that next step, we can face that new day, we can fell that next foe! For He is our strength and our hope, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light! In Him we are more than conquerors! When you have done all else, stand! Though He slay me, yet I will praise Him! If my duty for a time is to walk through shadow and carry sorrow I will do so with HOSANNA on my lips! For these present struggles are not worthy to compared to the glory that will be revealed in us! 

  "The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me To eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes, They stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; Though war should rise against me, In this I will be confident. One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock. And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD. Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When You said, "Seek My face," My heart said to You, "Your face, LORD, I will seek." Do not hide Your face from me; Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation. When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the LORD will take care of me. Teach me Your way, O LORD, And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies. Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries; For false witnesses have risen against me, And such as breathe out violence. I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!"
(Psalms 27:1-14)

Monday, December 1, 2014

In Every Way

     I think we can say at this point that the Christmas “season” has officially started, we're past Thanksgiving and December is here. Many of us have started decorating and others have long since finished. I'm happy because unlike some previous years I feel like I am actually able to enjoy it all this time. I sometimes feel like its an unfortunate bi-product of adulthood that much of the magic of the holidays is swallowed up in work and life and errands and preparation.

     Part of my issue with previous years is the fact that one of my jobs is in retail. Anyone who works in that environment can tell you that it is difficult to maintain the “Christmas spirit” when the season is two months longer than it is for everyone else. When decorations and products hit the shelves in October it tends to kill some of the magic. If nothing else simply being around it all for so long tends to make it lose its charm by the time Christmas actually arrives. Not to mention having to listen to the same several songs over and over and over and over and over until you're willing to listen to anything -anything- else can be frustrating to say the least.

     This was, as I said, a major issue for me in past years. I simply found it quite difficult to keep any sort of enjoyment or excitement going for so long a period or even at all. Compound that issue with the fact that the songs I heard at work were usually the worst possible Christmas songs they could have found (don't even get me started on “Santa Baby”.) What really grated my nerves though was very same thing that irritates me every Easter; namely the preponderance of movies, songs, and TV shows “celebrating” Christmas, that are produced by people who obviously don't believe the Bible. I used to grumble at these people and wonder how could they possible sing or act about a topic that they don't hold to be true. How could they support something they don't believe in? In addition there is the whole problem of Christmas's real meaning not being supported much by society in general. This all weighed on me every year until a passage of scripture came to my mind while I was grumbling:

Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from good will: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.”
(Philippians 1:15-18)

     I realized than that it doesn't matter that these people may or may not believe. It doesn't matter that so many people mangle or ignore the whole reason for the season. It doesn't matter that a fictitious fat man in red has taken the place of a baby in a manger in the minds of many. The story of God's Son coming to earth is out there! A crucial point in God's redemptive plan is freely available everywhere for everyone to see for months every year, and even the fictions that swamp us give those of us who believe an opportunity to spread the Word. What used to be an annoyance has become a source of joy! Paul was telling us that it does not ultimately matter how God's Word get's told so long as it does get told. So I'll sing along to the Christmas songs (not all of them, again, do not bring up “Santa Baby”...or “Last Christmas” for that matter) and I'll help with the decorations, because I'll also tell people about the miracle of deity wrapped in humanity and the story of the Savior.

Merry Christmas!

In Every Way

     I think we can say at this point that the Christmas “season” has officially started, we're past Thanksgiving and December is here. Many of us have started decorating and others have long since finished. I'm happy because unlike some previous years I feel like I am actually able to enjoy it all this time. I sometimes feel like its an unfortunate bi-product of adulthood that much of the magic of the holidays is swallowed up in work and life and errands and preparation.

     Part of my issue with previous years is the fact that one of my jobs is in retail. Anyone who works in that environment can tell you that it is difficult to maintain the “Christmas spirit” when the season is two months longer than it is for everyone else. When decorations and products hit the shelves in October it tends to kill some of the magic. If nothing else simply being around it all for so long tends to make it lose its charm by the time Christmas actually arrives. Not to mention having to listen to the same several songs over and over and over and over and over until you're willing to listen to anything -anything- else can be frustrating to say the least.

     This was, as I said, a major issue for me in past years. I simply found it quite difficult to keep any sort of enjoyment or excitement going for so long a period or even at all. Compound that issue with the fact that the songs I heard at work were usually the worst possible Christmas songs they could have found (don't even get me started on “Santa Baby”.) What really grated my nerves though was very same thing that irritates me every Easter; namely the preponderance of movies, songs, and TV shows “celebrating” Christmas, that are produced by people who obviously don't believe the Bible. I used to grumble at these people and wonder how could they possible sing or act about a topic that they don't hold to be true. How could they support something they don't believe in? In addition there is the whole problem of Christmas's real meaning not being supported much by society in general. This all weighed on me every year until a passage of scripture came to my mind while I was grumbling:

Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from good will: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.”
(Philippians 1:15-18)

     I realized than that it doesn't matter that these people may or may not believe. It doesn't matter that so many people mangle or ignore the whole reason for the season. It doesn't matter that a fictitious fat man in red has taken the place of a baby in a manger in the minds of many. The story of God's Son coming to earth is out there! A crucial point in God's redemptive plan is freely available everywhere for everyone to see for months every year, and even the fictions that swamp us give those of us who believe an opportunity to spread the Word. What used to be an annoyance has become a source of joy! Paul was telling us that it does not ultimately matter how God's Word get's told so long as it does get told. So I'll sing along to the Christmas songs (not all of them, again, do not bring up “Santa Baby”...or “Last Christmas” for that matter) and I'll help with the decorations, because I'll also tell people about the miracle of deity wrapped in humanity and the story of the Savior.

Merry Christmas!