It has occurred to many that the
standard and accepted portrayal of men in our society is twofold:
either as bumbling idiots, likable yes, but no one you'd want
balancing your checkbook or running the house; or as selfish
sex-craving misogynists who see women as objects or less. I for one
have often railed as to the unfairness of these portrayals and how
they do little more than foster the belief that this is all men have
to offer. Worse still are those who see the undervaluing of men in
our culture and simply don't bother to be more. Biblicaly speaking
men are called to be more than this. We are to be leaders, teachers,
guides, protectors, guards, lovers, and more. Despite this high
calling for men we see very little of it in our world. I've pondered
this problem for some time and although there are many reasons why
things have turned out this way I'm left with only one conclusion:
Men are portrayed as idiots because men -on the whole- are.
It is not however, an entirely
conscious choice. Part of the effect of the fall was to have men
become lazy and women developing the desire to take their place.
This wouldn't seem like a huge problem if it weren't for the fact
that these desire did not replace the knowledge of our proper
positions. Due to our fallen nature men don't want to lead, we'd
rather take it easy. Many women would rather make all the decisions
(because men are pretty dumb, right?) but still think that men
“should” be commanding and in charge and confident. This creates
a viscous cycle of anger and resentment that destroys many homes.
Looking outside the home and into
society we see that it is not simply a relationship issue. Men
everywhere are deliberately casting aside “manhood,” choosing
instead to adopt more 'modern' ideas of gender roles. Traditional
“manliness” has been nearly vilified by our culture as
chauvinistic and elitist, even so far to make chivalry a form of
demeaning behavior! All this is a problem but the biggest issue
really is that many men simply never become men at all. We live in a
world where adolescence simply continues on through a boys life, he
never grows up and he never moves on from childhood. How many “young
men” do you know -guys in their mid to late twenties- who have
never had a long term relationship, have never given a single thought
to marriage, who still live at home, or who don't put any effort into
creating a substantial foundation to their life? This is a systemic
problem, to such an extent that we don't even see the issue. In my
own life I can perceive parts of my thoughts and behaviors that I
know should probably be...more that they are. Of course there are
extenuating circumstances and not every case is the same but people
these days seem to be terrified of really growing up and cling to
youth as long as they can.
I'm not going to give you solutions, I
don't really have them. This is a thing that must start at home;
husbands and fathers taking their place and doing things right. They
will influence their children and so on down the line. Men were
meant to be the cornerstone, the strength in society that held firm
against error and stood up to the problems around them. We've lost
that today and I think we're suffering for it.
watchful. Stand fast in the faith. Act like men. Be strong. Let
all you do be done in love.”
Corinthians 16:13-14)
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