Merry Christmas everyone! I hope
you all enjoy your time this year, I'll be taking a short vacation
and returning after the new year on January 5th!
Thanks for reading and I'll see you next year!
Where are you this Christmas? More to
the point, where is your heart? Are you caught up in the
celebrations? Do the silver bells chime in your mind as you drive to
the store to get those last few gifts? Do carols ring as you trim
your tree? In all your rush and busy, do take the time to remember
why we do all of this? Debates over the origins of the day itself,
this holiday is here to commemorate the second biggest event in
earth's history; when God himself stooped to our level and came to
Think about that for a moment. The
God of all existence, who is far beyond anything we can truly
comprehend, who is rightful ruler and master of all creation, who had
sat in glory from eternity past, who is endlessly praised by
uncounted angels, became a baby boy. He who had sat on the throne of
heaven now lay nestled in a simple manger. He who was needed no
other now depended on a peasant girl and a carpenter. The God who
provides breath and life to every living creature now would need
bread from the hand of man. He left all that He had and became one
of us: a small, cold, helpless infant. Why?
Why would He put aside all that He
had, all that He deserved, and come here as He did? Because He chose
to, because we needed Him to. God is infinite, holy, and righteous.
We are finite, simple, and sinful. Every day we choose our doom by
rejecting God and making our own path. We are -not- morally neutral,
we are naturally God haters and sinners. Can you go one day without
lying? One day without stretching the truth? One day without being
selfish? One day without being perfectly loving? Caring? Honest?
One hour? One minute? The world wants to say that we're all ok.
The world will tell you that at least you're better than that guy
over there. Hey, you're no Hitler right? But you are. We are all
capable of anything given the right “reason.” God was fully
within His right to simply scrap us and start over (or not for that
matter), but He didn't. He spared us, because He loves us.
God however, is not only love. God is
love but He is so much more! He is also just and because of His
justice, He couldn't simply sweep our transgressions under the rug of
eternity. Someone had to pay the price of sin and the price of sin
is death. We can't pay that price, when we die that's it, end of the
road. So in order to fulfill His love -and- His justice, God needed
a sacrifice for our sins. Unfortunately there is nothing that exists
in creation that has such worth as to be an even trade for the
punishment that is our due. The only thing with any real worth after
all, is God Himself. So God's son, the second part of the trinity,
that divine personality that we also know as the Word of God, that
One who formed the world itself, shed His robes of glory and put on
humility. For us.
Only God could pay the price that He
himself demanded for our sin. Only God has the power to be born of a
virgin and thus apart from the nature of sin that now condemns us.
Only God has the power to live a sinless life and fulfill the law,
and thus able to provide His people with the same. Only God has the
worth to cover the cost of our iniquity, and only God could raise
from the dead and defeat the grave. The story of Christmas is a
fantastic story but it is only the first chapter. Never forget that
the little baby in the stable was already on the road to the cross.
Remember to celebrate not just -that- Jesus came but why! That
little newborn baby was as newborn lamb and His time on this earth
the period of examination that marked Him a worthy sacrifice.
I love Christmas, but the story of
Christ's coming to earth means little apart from the story of how He
left and how He lived. I thank the Lord for coming here but I thank
Him forever for coming here as a lamb to be slaughtered. I am
thankful that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from my sin and that the
snow on the ground this holiday season is nowhere near as white and
pure as the new garment of righteousness that Christ has laid upon my
back. Praise God for what He as done for His creation, for His love
and His sacrifice. Never forget that the love we feel at Christmas
is God's love, and the joy we feel is because the coming of Christ is
the coming of a savior.