"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, August 11, 2014

I Believe in Miracles

     I guess it is time to talk about miracles and creation. With the news of another popular Christian artist renouncing their belief in a literal creation (along with the flood by the way) it seems more and more people are turning away from the Word. This is an argument that has been gone over and dissected and discussed a million different ways so lets just focus on one aspect. Miracles.

     More specifically lets talk about whether they can be honestly believed in by the discerning mind. Very often we hear that people reject the miracles of the Bible because their too far fetched, to spectacular, that they just don't jibe with what we understand of the modern world. I suppose that makes a certain amount of sense, these actions by God are simply beyond our understanding, completely outside anything we understand about nature and the laws of reality.


     God is GOD! His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts. Doesn't it make total sense that His actions would be far beyond us? The idea that miracles cannot be because they defy physical law is a major flaw in logic and thought. The detractors say that miracles go against every physical law we know of and are completely impossible. That being said, miracles are only impossible if God does not exist and act within His creation! The Bible begins with “In the Beginning God,” and that sets the tone and setting for the rest of scripture. The Bible assumes from the beginning that God exists. These arguments against miracles are denying the Bible's first premise!

     To some that may seem like a cop-out. It may seem that we're just excusing it by saying “God did it.” The problem there is that it is not a excuse if it is the actual reason. God has the power to create all of existence, He certainly has the power to manipulate that creation. It's like saying that I can only manipulate my Lego bricks in the way my Lego bricks perceive and understand themselves. Let me rephrase that: if I build a car out of Lego than within the world my imagination has made that Lego construct is a car and obeys the rules of “car-dom.” That car stays on the ground and from it's own perspective all it can do is drive around and maybe beep it's horn and flash it's lights. I however, don't live in that reality. I'm above it, in point of fact, I made it! If I want to, I can make that car jump or fly, I can take it apart and put it back together, I can even make it talk! (For instance like a donkey under a certain prophet.) I don't have to obey any of the rules that govern that tiny little existence. If we had the same perspective of the Lego car when I did these things we would be amazed and confused and would be unable to explain any of it. Our perspective is limited to the world we inhabit.

     God is in no way bound by our perception of reality. He made the laws, so He can break them, or more accurately suspend them temporarily (though He can break them if He chooses). Those laws that people say drive them from belief in the miraculous were created by and are upheld only by the will of God. Without His sustaining influence nothing exists! So don't get bogged down by this idea that we need to understand everything. We don't understand God, We won't understand God, and we never will understand God. At least not fully, and not for a very, very, very long time.

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