"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday, August 8, 2014

Near or Far

Does it matter if He listens?
Does He hear us cry?
Is He present in our laughter?
Does He watch us when we die?
From on His grand celestial throne,
Does God see all we are?
Does His gaze extend to the lands below the sky and and sea of stars?

I say it makes the difference.
If He's near or far away.
I know that my redeemer lives,
and that He guides my way.

If God is some just some grand magician
Making puppets dance
Then our lives are nothing more than show.
A pointless circumstance.

If God creates but doesn't guide
He has no right to condemn
For how can we be loyal
to a shadow of a whim?

If God exists but doesn't make
His presence known to us.
Then why bother with creation?
Why all this mess and fuss?

But we have a God who listens.
Who hears our every cry.
Why else would Jesus come to earth
As man to live then die?

How can we say
He doesn't hear
Or care for our lament
When it was his back that bore our sin
and God's own blood was spent.

Though trouble seems
at times too much
for anyone to bear.
Though the trials we endure
Go on for longer than we care.
God's purposes are higher
They aim for something more
than earthly happiness or joy.
He has much more in store.

Eternity awaits us,
and we don't understand,
just how much we need Him,
Or the rightness of His plan

He listens when we cry out
He's with us in our pain
He walks with us in sunshine.
Stands closer in the rain
His strength is all we'll ever need
To make it through this life.
His hand is always on us
To lead us through our strife.

I for one will trust Him
I'll trust His guiding hand
I'll follow where He leads me
Though it be through foreign lands
I'll walk with Him forever.
Because He knows the way.
I'll walk along the path He lays,
From night unto the day.

by. Jonathan E. Schaefer


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