"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday, August 1, 2014


     Happy Friday everyone! We're going to take a quick tour across the internet today with a few links I've rounded up. There's a lot going on out there and while I think we shouldn't get bogged down by the worlds goings on, it's a good idea to keep your head out of the sand! Lets begin!

~Guinness Beer uses the tune from “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” for a commercial.

     Well this is certainly interesting! Apparently some people are rather irritated by this, and I guess I can understand why. There are roughly three separate camps in the Christian world today: No alcohol at all, No strong alcohol (liquor, spirits, etc.), and Alcohol-Yes drunkenness-No. I would imagine that those who don't care for this add fall mostly into the first camp, and maybe a few from the second. Personally I like the message of the add and didn't even notice the song until the second time I viewed it. This article also states the the founder of Guinness was in fact a Christian who used his success to fund many Christian activities. What do you think?

~More PC problems and Religious Imbalance from the US Military.

     I find this rather irritating after just having read a story several weeks ago about military chaplains being told to essentially be less Christian. We keep seeing this all over the place, Islam with it's propensity to fly off the handle and murder people is being treated with kid gloves while at the same time Christianity is being hammered on from all sides. I just wonder how people can fail to see the hypocrisy in their own actions?

~Iran's Ayatollah Openly calls for the Destruction of Israel.

     How many times do top islamic leaders need to call for the destruction of Jewish people before we take more notice? Of course, Israel isn't perfect but they like us do not intentionally try and kill every man women and child. If you've ever looked into the culture and education of islamic countries you can see how they just HATE Israel and the Jewish people. It's sad really. Here's an interesting and related video that's been floating around as well.

~Abortion Issue in Canada Seems to be Getting Quite a Bit Worse.

     I'm already saddened enough by all the pro-abortion talk these days, but the end of this article really hit me when it stated that in the liberal part “...members would be whipped to vote pro-abortion if the matter was to come up.” I can understand taking that side but they seem to be actively forcing it on the people now.  What are your thoughts?

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