How do you see God? To put it another
way: how do you perceive God, or what do you think about when you
think of God? What would you say is the nature of your relationship
with Him? Interesting questions wouldn't you say? The answers to
these questions are important, as it is the perceived nature of our
relationship with God and how we view Him that influences our
behavior in regard to Him.
To many, God is a mystery; an
unknowable and unsearchable force or being that floats about the
universe just out of reach. To these people, knowing God in any real
way is an impossibility. God may have made the world but certainly
doesn't interact with it much, or when he does it happens on some
incomprehensible whim. This god is impersonal, indescribable, and
pointless. Truthfully, a god who stays apart from reality in virtually
every way may as well not exist. This, I think, is the point. Many
of the people who hold to this belief would rather god not exist at
all but they cannot deny that voice inside that tells them otherwise.
Some others want a sense of something more than what we see but
don't want the accountability of a knowable, relational god. Sadly
something that is merely spiritual but not coherent doesn't do them
any good, nothing more than a painkiller for a gaping wound.
Others see god as a sort of cosmic
Santa Claus, there to provide for their needs and desires while comforting their
hearts in troubled times. To these, our relationship with god is
based most commonly on rules and rituals; if I do this than god will
or must do that. This is god chained and tamed, more our servant
than the Lord of the universe. You see this idea in the “name it
and claim it movement”, as well as in “christian science” and
many of the charismatic groups today. If we only have enough faith,
or pray the right prayer, or give enough money, then god will make us
healthy, wealthy, and happy. Sadly all this belief does is to make
its followers into a group of greedy, materialistic adolescents
obsessed with the miraculous and the now; or even worse to
disillusion them to the idea of a God who cares. One of God's great
promises was to be with us in times of trial, not to keep us fat and
comfortable all our life. When we make demands of god and insist he
do what we say, then we are daring to take His place and put
ourselves upon the throne.
So how should we relate to God? Let's
take a quick look at a few things we know about Him. He is the creator
of all things (John 1:1-3), the rightful King (John 18:37, 1 Timothy
6:14-15, Revelation 17:14, etc.), the sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews
9:24-26, John 1:29, etc.), and much much more! So how should we
relate to one who is the creator of all things? We must recognize
that He has right over us to do whatever He wishes. How do we relate
to the rightful King? We are servants and subjects, those who must
acknowledge His Lordship and obey. How do we relate to the one who
bore our iniquity and died that we may live? How else but to throw
ourselves down in gratitude for so great and undeserved a sacrifice?
God is GOD! He is so big and so much 'more' than we are, how
astonishing it is that we continue to forget that He is above and we
are below? Join me in asking God to continually remind us
of His glory and grace; that we would not forget our place in
relation to Him. We are beggars at the door not the Lord on the
When we take God off His throne, when
we forget who He is or who we are, we disgrace His name and deny Him
the praise and glory that He is due. We cannot recognize our own sin
or our need for a savior when we bring God down to our level. In the
end everyone will acknowledge God for who He is. Wouldn't it be
better to do so willingly and joyfully than by force, with the
knowledge that its too late to change sides? Wouldn't you rather
sing His praise as a joyful song in paradise, than mutter it bitterly while in torment?
God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above
every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those
in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and
that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father.”
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