"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gospel Truth

**Announcing my new YouTube Channel!**
*It's still very new and not on a set schedule yet but please take a look!**

     How 'good' are you? Most people will respond by stating that they find themselves to be pretty alright. It's natural to like yourself after all, and most of us like to think that we're at least mostly okay. When you think about it, can our goodness be measured anyway? Isn't everything just cultural and societal distinctions developed over many years? Aren't we all just products of our environments with our own particular moralities? That is the commonly held belief, that there is no absolute good or bad and it is essential to modern man's mental health. Without this notion that we are free to define our own morality, we would be forced to face the truth that lies in the shadow of our philosophy: we are anything but good.

     In order for anything to be truly good or evil they have to objectively good or evil. This means that they have to be good or evil regardless of anyone's belief; the good is good even if everyone on earth thought that good was bad and vice verse. Now, modern societies usually claim that there are no absolutes and that everything is perspective. The problem with this is of course its patent absurdity. There are certain truths that just are: a normal human can't stop a bus without harm or jump off a tall building and survive, humans need air to breathe, and light makes things brighter. Even beyond that there is the fundamental reality that every normal person recognizes the evil of certain things. You'll find very few people that think it's okay to kill a child or to rape someone. Some may even try and claim that don't believe these things to be objectively wrong but they can't explain away their visceral gut reaction.

     The Bible tells us that God made the rules for reality and these rules were not made out of nothing but that they extend from the very attributes of God. Killing is wrong because only God has authority over life and death and He has declared the worth of man - creating him in His own image; rape is wrong for similar reasons and because it perverts the gift that is the sexual relationship between husband and wife, to lie is evil because God is truth, and so on. Because God is over and above all of creation, His rules are beyond any of us and we are all beholden to them. They are objective. So take a look at yourself in light of this information.

Do you think yourself good?
Have you ever lied, even once? - Well that makes you a liar.
Have you ever lusted after another? - That makes you an adulterer in your heart according to Jesus.
Have you ever stolen anything? - That means your a thief.
Do we need to go on?

     God is utterly perfect and the only way to be worthy of eternity and heaven is to be perfect as well. It takes only a moments perfunctory glance at ourselves to see how unworthy we are. A single stain on a white cloth is all it takes to ruin it. One lie, one moment of lust, one stolen candy bar, and that's it. What is worse is that we are not only condemned by ourselves but by our nature. When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden he became tainted by that evil. Since that time that taint has been passed down the line of humanity into all of us. We're evil from birth and our actions play that out.

     God however, had a plan. He knew this would all happen, knew that we would need salvation. God is just though and could never simply pardon evil, it has to be dealt with. In His love He planned for a way He could deal with our sin and evil justly and yet save souls from an eternity of damnation. We needed a sacrifice, someone who could die in our place and who could bear the weight of our sin on our behalf. The main problem though is that no one would be worthy. Every human carries their own sin and thus their death would never be sufficient would never even be enough to pay for their own sins let alone a billion others. So God sent His Son.

     Jesus came down to earth and took on a human nature. God became man so that man would have the sacrifice we needed to be saved. Being God He lacked the sin nature we all carry and He lived a perfect life without sin so that His sacrifice would be sufficient for the cost. When He died on the cross God the Father poured out His wrath against sin, all of His anger against evil, onto Jesus. Three days later Jesus rose from the grave and won victory over death and sin and evil. He died for us so that He could lay His death, the death of an infinity valuable person, onto the accounts of all who believe in Him. God could now give us the righteousness of Christ in exchange for our sin and pardon us from our just due without violating his justice.

     That's what it took to save us. A good man/a perfect God had to die. He left heaven and the presence of God the Father to live on this dusty sinful ball and to die a cruel horrible death, for you. For you and for me and for everyone who will but call upon His name. The reality of our sin is laid our before us, you know your own faults. Take that knowledge and go to God, admit what you know and ask for His forgiveness. Because of Jesus God can forgive your sins and give you a new heart that loves what is good and yearns for righteousness. You can be free from the shadows and the lies of this world, free to a future without sadness or sorrow or death. What will you do?

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”
(John 3:16-17)

For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."

(Romans 10:12-13)

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