"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Men and Nations

     So I want to ask you all a question. It's kind of personal and I hope you don't mind but I want to ask it nonetheless. Well actually, I want you to ask it of yourself. Just take a moment, quiet your mind, and look deep inside yourself. Ready? Okay. Ask yourself, “am I a jerk?” Do I come across as arrogant, pushy, self-righteous? Do I lord my faith over all the poor “non-believers” around me and complain loudly about every little misstep the world makes in my presence? Do I? If the answer to that is even maybe than you may need to take some time to reevaluate your behavior.

     Let me start by nipping a possible complaint in the bud. I'm not asking you to start accepting sin or to stop proclaiming man's need for salvation. We must never compromise in our lives and it is to God's law not man's that we are ultimately responsible. One of the most compelling ways we can reach others is by a radically different life, one lived honorably and morally in whatever the circumstance. That being said, people won't be able to see the good in your life if you carry it around like a trophy and tell everyone how awesome you are or refuse to shut up about how horrible the world is.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
(Matthew 28:19)

     When I look in the scriptures I see a call to bring fallen men to God so that He can make them righteous. I see a command to go forth and make disciples, to teach others, and to continue in the faith. I don't see an order to change governments. God doesn't care about nations in the sense of political bodies. He doesn't really want us to care overmuch about what laws are passed, or what the culture supports; all He cares about is the salvation of people. People. Individual souls that are each going to end up in an eternity of punishment if they fail to turn to Him. These people are all around us and do we really care that they are damned?

     I understand, that we don't like the way the world is going. I get that our own culture and even world-wide norms are moving further and further from God's decree. I see all of it but I want you to understand that its a symptom of a greater disease! People are falling away from God because they are already apart from Him. If we want to change the laws, if we want to have a voice in the public square, if we want to see nations founded on the principles of God's Holy Word than we need to get people saved! Those people will then change the laws and the governments and the nations. This idea that we can change a country from the top down is the same fault we keep blaming on “liberal” politicians; morality cannot be legislated and you cannot simply mandate belief.

“As far as it is possible for you be at peace with all men.”
(Romans 12:18)

Strive for peace with everyone, and for that holiness without which no one will see the Lord.”
(Hebrews 12:14)

     Moreover, we as Christians are given two equally valid commands: to go forth and preach, and to live at peace. We are not to be the agents of strife! I know that Christ said the He came to bring a sword (Matthew 10:34) but we are not Christ and we are to be hated for our stand with God not for our nasty behavior (1 Peter 4). I'm not saying that we need to wrap Christ up in an appealing package for the masses to seek after. I'm just saying that social improvement and activism should not be our primary objective. We seek the salvation of the lost and if we change our little part of the world along the way, then great.

     As citizens we do have a responsibility to be involved with our government (especially my fellow Americans) however, we do ourselves a great disservice if we get caught up in trying to defend the law and the country for God. This is not “God's country.” This is not a special, unique, city on a hill. God has blessed this country but only because we used to honor Him. Ancient Israel suffered the same fate as they fell into decline. So go out and vote on things as you would believe God leads you but don't spend all your time harping on a fallen culture acting like a fallen culture. Care about people and society will take care of itself.

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